What is Respite Accommodation?
Respite care, facilitated through the NDIS, serves as a supportive service designed to offer temporary relief to primary caregivers or family members caring for individuals with disabilities. It provides caregivers with a respite from their caregiving responsibilities while ensuring that individuals with disabilities receive appropriate care and support.
To get a better understanding of respite care through the NDIS, we've broken it down for you:
The Initial Purpose: The primary objective of respite care is to afford caregivers, often family members, an opportunity to rest, recharge, and attend to their personal needs and commitments. Continuous care for individuals with disabilities can be demanding, and respite care provides caregivers with a temporary break from their responsibilities.
Types of Respite Care: Respite care encompasses various forms to cater to the specific needs and preferences of both the caregiver and the individual with a disability. These may include:
- In-Home Respite: A qualified support worker provides care and support at the individual's home, allowing the caregiver to take a break.
- Out-of-Home Respite:* The individual with a disability stays in a respite facility or with a trained caregiver for a specified period, offering the primary caregiver respite.
- Emergency Respite: Provides support in unplanned or emergency situations when the primary caregiver cannot continue care temporarily.
- Planned Respite: Caregivers can schedule respite breaks in advance, effectively managing their time.
3. NDIS Funding: Respite care services receive funding from the NDIS, and individuals with disabilities can include respite support in their NDIS plan. Funding is allocated based on the assessed needs of the person with a disability and their caregiver, not all participants may have respite in their plan.
4. Access to Respite Services: To access NDIS-supported respite services, individuals must be eligible for the NDIS and possess an approved NDIS plan. The plan outlines the specific respite support entitlements.
5. Service Providers: Caregivers and individuals with disabilities can select from registered NDIS service providers offering respite care services. These providers are NDIS-approved, adhering to quality standards and guidelines.
6. Duration and Frequency: The duration and frequency of respite care vary based on the individual's needs and NDIS plan, ranging from a few hours to several days or longer.
7. Planning: To access respite care, individuals and caregivers collaborate with their NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to discuss specific respite needs and integrate them into their NDIS plan.If you have a designated Support Coordinator, please don't hesitate to contact them today; they are available to provide assistance.
It's important to note that respite and a holiday differ; respite aims to assist participants in building independence, fostering social connections, and enhancing community access.
Crafting a budget and itinerary aligning with NDIS goals is essential with a Support Coordinator when organising respite accommodation.
Some common questions about Respite Accommodation
The Process - Respite Accommodation
1: Let's Connect!
Reach out to our Service Coordinator, via info@auscarecs.com.au or via our submitting an inquiry through our contact page, or of course, giving us a call. One of our A-Team members will get back to you within 24/48 hours.
2: Establishing your needs
Our priority is to establish what is it exactly that you need, so that we can collaborate with you to ensure a correct service is given, as well as a smooth transition to your Respite location.
3: Submitting & Approval
The Aus Care CS A-Team will guide you in crafting a budget for the necessary services, as well as provide assistance throughout the Submission and Approval Process.
4: Receiving Services
Upon NDIA's approval of your budget, you are all set! It's time to start your adventure and work towards achieving your goals!

What is Short Term Accommodation?
Short Term Accommodation offers lodging and assistance for a brief period outside your regular residence, which can include a private apartment, a communal residence, or another suitable environment tailored to the individual's requirements.
The NDIS provides funding for Short Term Accommodation when your typical support system is unavailable. It can also serve as a means to adapt to new situations, connect with new individuals, and explore diverse forms and degrees of support.
Some common questions about Short Term Accommodation
The Process - Short Term Accommodation
1: Let's Connect!
Reach out to our Service Coordinator, via info@auscarecs.com.au or via our submitting an inquiry through our contact page, or of course, giving us a call. One of our A-Team members will get back to you within 24/48 hours.
2: Establishing your needs
Our priority is to establish what is it exactly that you need, so that we can collaborate with you to ensure a correct service is given, as well as a smooth transition to your Respite location.
3: Submitting & Approval
The Aus Care CS A-Team will guide you in crafting a budget for the necessary services, as well as provide assistance throughout the Submission and Approval Process.
4: Receiving Services
Upon NDIA's approval of your budget, you are all set! It's time to start your adventure and work towards achieving your goals!

What is SIL (Supported Independent Living)
Supported Independent Living, often known as SIL, offers individuals with disabilities and their loved ones the opportunity to cultivate a lifestyle characterised by self-reliance, all the while gaining access to a spectrum of support services encompassing housing, various therapeutic interventions, personal assistance, and transportation.
The core objectives of SIL centre on delivering essential support for daily living and nurturing skill development, empowering you or your loved one to shape your life on your own terms.
These services are accessible to individuals who fulfill the eligibility requirements for Supported Independent Living, whether they choose to reside within their personal abode or opt for a shared living arrangement. We engage in collaboration with SDA providers across Australia to ensure we can meet all your specific needs.
SIL & SDA stand as just two of the diverse support options provided by Aus Care Community Services through strategic affiliations, and it may potentially fall under a specialised funding category for SDA if an NDIS participant meets the eligibility criteria.
(Specialist Disability Accommodation: (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high needs.')